By Jennifer S Rigby
With obesity widely accepted and type 2 diabetes
raging amongst adults and children alike, somewhere there has to be a stop to
it all. But, how and where does this take place? Is it a problem that the
federal and state governments can absolve? No, it has to start with personal
accountability and a willingness to change the way that food is viewed.
Aspartame, monosodium glutamate, food colorings, and every other preservative
in between have to be considered extremely toxic to the body. Without families
taking a stand, innocent children will be sent to their graves at an early age.
The only way to make the necessary changes to put a stop to preventable
diseases (such as type 2 diabetes) is to use exclusively natural food recipes
while cooking.
What is a natural food recipe? It is a recipe that
contains solely whole food ingredients. The best way to tell if a recipe is
processed or artificial is by its components. If it contains foods that are
packaged and have a long shelf life with more than a few ingredients, then it
is not a natural food. Also, those complicated words on the food labels are
usually artificial. That is a great indicator of how real it is. For example,
what would the food label on a tomato read? All that is contained in a tomato
is a tomato. Actually, the concept is quite simple. When combining ingredients
into a recipe, those ingredients should typically only be themselves. That
realization provides a wide variety of possibilities while concocting in the
kitchen. It makes it an exciting experience to cook again!
Some of the greater challenges that come when
making natural food recipes are soup based recipes. This is typically the case
because homemade broths usually take planning and preparation to have on hand.
But, while planning the weekly menu, simply plan to make homemade beef broth
and chicken broth to use in soups the following day or two. In fact, making an
all natural Chicken Noodle Soup is rather simple and can even be put together
in the slow cooker. By simply adding 4 cups homemade chicken broth, 2 cups
water, 1 chicken breast, 2 cups of carrots and celery, 2 teaspoons of thyme, ½
teaspoon of black pepper, 2 teaspoons of sea salt, and 1/3 package of
fettuccine noodles, a delicious all natural chicken noodle soup has been
concocted. Thankfully this rids of any form of MSG along with any other added
preservative. This soup is so tantalizing to the taste buds that it is
challenging to quit on one serving. Also, by making this homemade soup there
will not arise any nasty side effects (like MSG headaches) that usually come
from the artificial chicken noodle recipes.
Another fabulous all natural food recipe is
homemade Beef Stew. This soup is similar to the Chicken Noodle Soup. It
requires a little planning and preparation, but is extremely simple to create.
The exciting revelation with this meal is that it can also reside in a slow
cooker. That is a great way to ensure that dinner is all natural even if time
is of the essence. The stew can be placed in the slow cooker in the morning and
then savored after a hectic work day. The smell that wafts throughout the house
will entice all those present to devour this meal immediately. The few minutes
that it took to add 6 cups homemade beef broth, 3 celery ribs, 3 carrots, 4
potatoes, 2 cups precooked roast beef, 1 teaspoon of thyme, 1 teaspoon basil, ½
teaspoon black pepper, and 3 teaspoons of sea salt will make it all worth it.
All natural food recipes are not very complicated
and the taste that they evoke makes them definitely superior to their
artificial counterparts. Changing the American problem of obesity and diabetes
cannot be done as an entire country. It will start to occur when 1 family makes
a commitment to eat whole foods and then shares their discovery and knowledge
with their friends and neighbors. Then as their friends and neighbors realize
how critical it is to consume whole foods, they will then in turn share it with
others. That will be the process of revolutionizing the way Americans view
More information about diet food meals and saladrecipes here
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